It's the end of January, and it's the perfect time for a check in on the dreaded "R" word. How are your resolutions going?

If you're like most side hustlers I know, you're battling the overachiever in you. You knowthe one who wants to say yes to the creative project, the decluttering goal, the education course and the leadership role. How's that working out for you so far?

While I'm proud of you for stretching yourself and trying new things, I want to remind you of one important mantra from our friend Marie Forleo:

Honey, get on the "No" train

At the beginning of the year, we're looking at an empty calendar that's just dying to be filled up with color-coded to-do's. It's especially tempting in January to take on new projects that will help you get to the next level in your business, day job or personal life. But signing on for too many commitments early in the year can be stifling to not only your creativity, but to the opportunities that the Universe has coming your way.

This year, instead of challenging yourself to take on one more task, I challenge you say no to the project that doesn't give you a spark.

What's on your agenda that just makes you roll your eyes every time it comes around? Did a well-meaning coworker "volunteer" you for a less-than-thrilling committee? Is there a goal that's been on your "I'll get to that later" list for years? 

Do yourselfin fact, do all of usa favor and cross that sh*t off your to-do list. Leaving some breathing room in your already busy schedule will bring you more peace, more creativity and more joy. And all of those things combined are what bring in the magical, soul-sparking projects.

Leave a comment and declare which stifling task you're promising to take off your plate in 2016. This is a whole new style of resolutionit's the anti-resolution. Doesn't it feel good to be a rebel?

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